When Do Men Stop Gaining Muscle as Easy

I've been contemplating trying your program, but I have thefollowing concern:

I am 42 years old female, 5'7, 138 lbs. I have never beenconsidered fat, and my weight has been stable for all myadult life. My most ambitious goal is to lose 10 pounds, which I oftenachieved in the past during busy times, mostly just because I hadno time to eat, or during times when I had more time for exercise.I would like to reshape somewhat, as in recent years my shapehas shifted to a slightly thicker mid-section and I tend tobe a little "thick" all over if you know what I mean.I recently started a kick-boxing class 2-4 times a week, whichincorporates 45 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training.This is far more strength exercise than I have ever done (I'vealways been a runner), even though the weights we use in the classare not that heavy. I have noticed however that whenever I do regular weight trainingprograms, my lean arms start bulking up in a masculine "body builder"sort of way. This is not my goal. I want to lose the fat, but I do not want to add a muscle in abulking-up way. What is your suggestion? Your program sounds really interesting, but I'mwondering if it's just for bodybuilders and if you will tell me to liftheavy weights?

Why do I gain muscle so easily? Am I triggering perhaps some masculinehormones with the weight lifting and strength exercise?

It is usually very rare for women to experience "bulking up"due to the lower levels of testosterone hormone that femaleshave compared to men.

However, some women may have higher hormone levels, but alsothey may lean more towards what's called a "mesomorph" bodytype, which means you have the genetically-inherited bodystructure and physiology to gain muscle very easily.

From what you described, (easily reaching your goals in the past,a little bit "thick" in the muscle bellies, and gaining muscleeasily), I'd say you are leaning towards mesomorph.

That's good news for you because it means you will most likelybe able to get lean and stay leaner when you apply the nutritionand training, because you have those "good muscle genetics", ascompared to someone with an "endomoprh" body type (which is the bodytype that tends to store fat more easily and let it go more slowly)

It's only bad news if you find that you are gaining more muscle thanyou want (actually, a lot of us guys wish we had that problem! Muscleis hard to build for most people)

The solution is, if you do not want to look like a bodybuilder, thensimply don't train like one. However, you CAN still eat like one!Let me explain.

My Burn The Fat program DOES recommend bodybuilding-style weighttraining programs. these are programs based on body part splitroutines, and more volume, for example.

However, you don't necessarily have to follow them. You canfollow the nutrition part of the program and select a trainingprogram that is more suitable for you given your body type and yourpersonal goals. Your choices are nearly limitless. bodybuilding trainingis HIGHLY effective – it's exactly how I got my physique to look theway it does today – but maybe it's not for everyone.

Actually, The Burn The Fat program is primarily a nutrition programand the majority of the information in the book is about fat burningdiet techniques.

In 24 years of working out and 17 years as a fitness professional, Ihave NEVER found a better method of fat burning nutrition than thebodybuilding method of eating. It just plain works!

These "body-builder" nutrition eating guidelines include:

– For fat loss, set calorie intake at a conservative deficit – approx 20%(very low calorie diets cause metabolic slowdown – you cantstarve yourself, you have to burn fat and feed your muscles)

– Zig zag or cycle calories(increase and decrease calories to prevent metabolic slowdown)

– 5-6 small meals a day, each spaced approx 3 hrs apart(helps increase metabolic rate, stablize blood sugar/insulinand maximize retention and or growth of lean tissue)

– consume a lean protein food like chicken, fish or egg whiteswith every meal(increase thermic effect of food and positive nitrogen balance)

– eat natural sources of starchy carbohydrates and grainswith every meal (oatmeal, yams, brown rice, 100% whole grains, etc)

– avoid the refined sugars and refined grains/carbsas much as possible

– eat generous amounts of fruits and vegetables

– 40-40-20 ratios of protein carbs fat and adjustas necessary according to body/metabolic type

– keep fats low, but include essential fats suchas fish, nuts or flax

– Avoid alcohol or keep to bare minimum(list of negative effects too long to include here)

– Drink plenty of water, a gallon or at least 1/2 yourbody weight in ounces per day as a minimum are good guidelines

Although there is a lot more detail to it, this is"bodybuilding-style" nutrition in a nutshelland it is incredibly effective for improving yourbody composition.

It all seems pretty common sense, too doesn't it?The only part that is a little counter-intuitivefor most people is the part about eating every threehours, because most people are so used to starvationdiets — well, they don't work! (but thats another conversation)

So, my recommendation is to follow the nutrition part ofthe program and to choose a different exercise program,but be certain that it includes cardio and some form ofstrength training, but not necessarily bodybuildingworkout routines.

Your options for your exercise and training are nearlyendless. You mentioned kickboxing classes that had a strengthcomponent – that might be the perfect thing to stay with.And if you are a runner, then by all means run as part yourcardio component.

You will find that "body-building" style nutrition is notjust for bodybuilders — it is for ANYONE who wants to getreally, really lean.

Follow the nutrition part of the program and find the workoutprogram that you enjoy, which suits your body type (mesomorph,endomorph, ectomorph, etc), and you will be very pleased withthe results.

Burn The Fat is the most detailed, "one-stop" guide to fat burning nutrition you'll ever find.That's why so many people call it "the fat loss bible."


Source: https://www.ironmagazine.com/2011/why-do-i-gain-muscle-so-easily/

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